To solve this issue you just have to increase the user privileges on “etabs.exe” to open it as an administrator and to modify the file as well, to do so, just find the file in

C:/Program Files/Computers and Structures/ETABS 9/Etabs.exe

This path may vary depending upon the location where you have installed ETABS, right click this file and select Properties, from the properties dialog box click on the Security tab and then click edit as shown;

From the opened dialog box select the username from which you have logged into windows in users and groups and then from “permission for users” make sure to tick mark all the controls as shown;

And then click Apply, Ok and then again Ok

Now just patch the file again from “CENL950.exe” and click patch, and now the file should have been patched successfully as shown;

and that’s all

From Editors Desk

I hope this will solve many prblems and worries, Dont forget to share it with your friends. 

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