Beams having span/depth ratio of  simply supported beam is < 2,  continuous beam  < 2.5,  it is classified as deep beam. Such structures are found in transfer girders and in shear wall structures that resist lateral forces in buildings. It is also found in some of the industrial buildings.

Deep Beam Presentation (PPT/PPTX)

In this post I will be sharing with you a presentation (PPTX PPT)  on deep beams.

Contents for Presentation of Deep Beams

  • Introduction
  • Behavior
  • Parameters influencing
  • Minimum Thickness
  • Design for flexure
  • Design for shear
  • Web steel / side reinforcement
  • Web steel
  • Detailing
  • Steps for designing deep beams

 Presentation format

ppt (2003 - MS Power Point)

Keywords for Presentation on Deep Beams

deep beam design example, deep beam theory,
deep beam definition, deep beam design spreadsheet, deep beam span to depth ratio, deep beam design eurocode,deep beam shear, Deep beam reinforcement details

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